GUA SHA is a therapeutic massage technique that you can practice on yourself, especially on the face. Of course this can also be applied to the body but this is rather recommended in the case of a therapeutic in-depth treatment.
‘GUA’ means 'scraping and rubbing' and 'SHA' describes the temporary redness it causes. The principle is that you stroke the skin with pressure until it becomes red, hence the name. Don't worry, the redness does not come with 'pain' but is a sign of better blood circulation. This is done with a tool with rounded edges.
Personally I use the jade or rose quartz which is a smooth cut mineral stone. I also find it very important to work with a 100% natural skin oil. The stones I use and put for sale are of ethical extraction.
GUA SHA is a real revelation for the face and body!
Many of my clients experience a fantastic glow with Face GUA SHA and total relaxation with a body treatment.
The GUA SHA stimulates microcirculation and brings the nutrients to the skin. It also supports collagen and elastin. Regular treatments make the skin smoother, firmer and reduces the appearance of fine lines/wrinkles.
Furthermore, it stimulates the lymphatic system, reduces tension in the facial muscles and soothes tired eyes. Finally, Face GUA SHA activates the acupressure points along the 12 main meridians in your face. It is recommended to add GUA SHA in your beauty routine, in other words, you get the best effect by performing it every morning and night. The duration is up to you. Personally my routine in the morning looks like this: After I do my cleansing, I extensively perform GUA SHA on my face with 100% natural face oil. After this I apply my favourite natural beauty products.
As I mentioned, GUA SHA is not only for the face but also for the body. This helps to stay healthy and keep emotions in balance. Chinese medicine explains it as follows: emotions and consciousness are stored in the organs. When emotions and thoughts cannot be expressed, the qi flow (life energy) stagnates. This is comparable to a river without a current. If there is no flow, there is no oxygen and thus, no 'life'. This is how you end up with knots, adhesions, muscle aches and stiffness. These are what we call acidifications in body and mind.
With GUA SHA we can remedy this perfectly. Moreover, it gets rid of cellulite on your thighs and can also be combined with foot reflexology or reiki.
Finally, it gives you total tranquillity. Highly recommended in a world where we’re told to live at a high pace.
Gua Sha kan een snelle remedie zijn voor wallen en fijne lijntjes, maar langdurige resultaten worden het best behouden bij consequent gebruik, 2 tot 3 keer per week tot 1/2 keer per dag (’s avonds of ’s morgens).
Strijkt fijne lijntjes en rimpels.
Door het loslaten van spierspanning en het activeren van de collageenproductie.
Geeft een "plumb"
aan de huid.
Door het verhogen van de qi in geblokkeerde gebieden van het gezicht.
Verheldert de teint.
Door het stimuleren van de bloedstroom.
Zorgt voor een betere hydratatie van de huid.
Door gifstoffen uit je huid te duwen wordt deze minder belast. Hierdoor zal ze er gezonder en minder droog gaan uitzien.